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We want a future in which technology is present for everyone, allowing us to know the past, understand the present and help decision-making processes, for a world of living stories being valued.


We entered this path by rescuing stories and creating innovative immersive solutions that deeply connect people to these worlds.

Duna Grande

in 360 degrees 

with Audiodescription


The Duna Grande Site (CNSA: RJ00132) also known and registered with the CNSA as the Itaipu Archaeological Site, is a pre-colonial site on dunes with a maximum height of 30m and an approximate area of 10,000m² according to its registration with IPHAN. It was registered by Lina Kneip, Maria da Conceição M. Coutinho in 1968. There is still little research on it, with occasional excavations such as the one carried out by the National Museum in 2010.


The site is fenced, within the Conservation Unit of the Parque Estadual da Serra da Tiririca (PESET), and is not open to visitors. That's why we bring you this opportunity, to visit this amazing site and be immersed within a narrative descriptio.


There is currently research in progress by researchers from the National Museum, FioCruz, and UFF, in partnership with the Museum of Archeology of Itaipu, which started in 2022.


Soon, we will bring you more news here!

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